SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals – Volunteer Handbook


What We Need

  • Audit of existing Volunteer Handbook, or internal communications regarding volunteer placement policies
  • Edit or creation of a new Volunteer Handbook, which may include any of the following: Virtual Volunteer, Pro-Bono Consulting, In-the-Field Service, Standards of Conduct, Volunteer Schedules, Waiver, Background Check, Termination Policies, Safety and Security, Anti-Discrimination policies, Recognition and Benefits policies, Awards, any Non-Disclosure Agreements or Conflict of Interest statements that may apply, and any other pertinent information

How This Will Help

As HavServe begins to scale and build our capacity by adding on new team members, we believe it to be a top priority to on board (share volunteer protocols, policies, and rights) in the most effective and supporting way with our team of volunteers . Validation of our Volunteer hand book would be a major step in the right direction.

What We Have In Place

We currently have an outdated Volunteer handbook which should make it easy for you to get started. We also have a list of protocols, waiver, checklist, and the ability to provide any other information you need.

Partner with HavServe to Serve Communities
If you HAVE, you too can SERVE!
HavServe’s life-changing programs and activities are creating healthier schools and communities, providing stronger starts for kids and families, generating new economic opportunities, and engaging the next generation of leaders in volunteering activities, community and service learning.

Estimated Time

Volunteers: 25-40 hours over 1-2 months


Remote (work anywhere)


This project requires a short interview with HavServe team and sample of relevant work. If your application is accepted, you will receive an email from HavServe with instructions to schedule a call.

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