5 Ways to Give Back This International Volunteer Day


International Volunteer Day on December 5th comes on the heels of Thanksgiving every year and reinvigorates the sense of thanks that we have for volunteers who give the world so much.  International Volunteer Day is a day of formal recognition for those who have contributed their time and resources in supporting communities locally, nationally, and internationally.

What is International Volunteer Day?
Since its inception in 1985 by the United Nations, International Volunteer Day has acted as a global celebration of the volunteer work that has helped combat poverty, illiteracy, disease, hunger, discrimination against women, environmental degradation, natural disaster, such as, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic processes. The UN’s promotion of International Volunteer Day has encouraged government officials, volunteer organizations, the media, and the private sector to come together to congratulate volunteers on their efforts in supporting communities within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. Today, at the heart of the 2030 Agenda are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for actions by all individuals, by all businesses and by all countries – developed and developing – to effectively cooperate to deliver results that are long-lasting and contribute in community-driven development. It is also a day that encourages the recruitment of new volunteers to join a global movement in leaving the world a better place than when they entered it.

The theme of International Volunteer 2018 is “Volunteers Build Resilient Communities” – communities that are better-equipped to be more resilient against natural disasters, economic stresses, and political shocks.

If you are ready to donate your time, your compassion, your resources, or your skills, here are five ways you can help build resilient communities and a better world this International Volunteer Day with HavServe in Haiti.

1. Volunteer Abroad for Community Projects in Haiti
We offer trips ranging from 1 to 4 weeks or up to 2 months in projects involving education, teacher training, building sustainable gardens, water management,  sanitation, infrastructure and an annual Summer Camp and Educational Enrichment Program, and more.

2. Volunteer Remotely to assist our Community-Driven Projects
You don’t need to travel to the other side of the world to make a difference – all you need is a computer and a desire to help others. Whether you are a designer, writer, public relations specialist or researcher: you can support our programs from the comfort of your own home.

3. Provide Pro-Bono Consulting and Enhance Community Support
Pro Bono Services have allowed HavServe to engage corporations curious about the investment climate in Haiti, and do so in a way that facilitates long-term social and economic development. For teams of professionals looking to use their skills for a good cause, we have opportunities for you.

 4. Connect HavServe to the Global Community with Social Media
Social media has emerged as a powerful tool for sharing stories with others around the world. HavServe is in need to technology-savvy professionals who can help spread our mission, value, and achievements to larger audiences – if you have experience in social media, digital marketing, public relations, or communications, you can help us share our message.

5. Integrate HavServe in Global Outreach
Volunteer organizations cannot do it all alone. HavServe’s trusted partnerships with other volunteer organizations, members of the private sector, churches and local governments are instrumental in advancing our life-changing programs and activities that are creating healthier schools and communities, providing stronger starts for kids and families, generating new economic opportunities, and engaging the next generation of leaders in volunteering activities, community and service learning. As a member of our growing corps of public relations and strategy consultants, you can help HavServe forge invaluable partnerships with like-minded organizations.

 At HavServe, there are limitless ways you can get involved. If you’ve been inspired to roll your sleeves up and assist community projects in Haiti, we invite you to celebrate International Volunteer Day by joining the ranks of nearly one billion people across the world who volunteer to make communities more resilient.

Let’s do it together! If you HAVE, you too can SERVE.


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