Mobile Medical Clinic & First Aid Training

In a community where the nearest basic medical facility is at least a two-hour trek over a mountain, access to basic medical care is virtually non-existent.  Whenever possible, HavServe international volunteers conduct a mobile medical clinic. For the past six years, we were able to conduct mobile clinics in Haiti, and in 2015 we delivered a First Aid Training workshop in Lebrun. Over a two-day period, international volunteers saw 298 children and adults and provided basic medical attention. In addition, local teachers were trained in the basics of First Aid. This initiative has been intermittent as it relies on skilled international and local volunteers as well as donations of medical equipment and supplies. To adequately address the urgent medical needs in the community, HavServe is committed to building a permanent First-Aid Medical Clinic in Lebrun.

Estimated Time

  • Volunteers: 8 days
  • Time: TBD
  • Organizations: Ongoing
  • Location: Lebrun – Haiti

Steps to Become a HavServe Volunteer

  1. Submit an application
  2. Interview
  3. Provide 3 references
  4. Complete background checks via Verified Volunteer
  5. Attend an orientation and training calls
  6. Accept recruitment letter and sign liability waiver form
  7. Read and accept position assignment
  8. Accept support and supervision by Team HavServe
  9. Follow-up and provide feedback to Team HavServe
  10. Complete review after position assignment ends
  11. Receive formal recognition by Team HavServe for your services
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