SOCCER A School For Life!


SOCCER-4-DEVELOPMENT-FINAL-PROOFSport is often used as an escape from everyday life.  Many sports fans go to their local bar to watch games or attend games live.  They may be dedicated fans but many of the fans would also agree it is a means to escape daily lives, even if it is for ninety minutes. For children in Haiti it is being used to give them a better life.

Soccer is a sport that encourages character building and team work. Necessary characteristics needed to progress through life.

As part of the schools program in the Village of Lebrun in Haiti, HavServe volunteers are using soccer as one of the tools to encourage children to stay in school.

Why Haiti Sports for Development (HS4D)™: HavServe’s Youth Soccer Program (HYSP)?

  • Most popular sport in Haiti. There is a universal love of the sport in the country.

How soccer encourages the youth to stay in school?

  • School-based and inter-village tournaments encourage youth to stay in school.
  • Haitian girls in the village of Lebrun are given the opportunity to play the sport for the first time.
  • As part of the school program it has the potential to attract youth to stay in school
  • Through soccer, HavServe volunteers are teaching the “6 pillars of character” (Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship)

How can you help?

Currently HavServe is providing the following to 250 children:

If you know anyone that can help in any way with the above it will not only encourage children to stay in school but give them a brighter future.

For more information on the program:

To get involved contact us at for more info.

Thanks for stepping in!

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