If you’ve done any shopping around in the job market of late, you may have taken note of an unpleasant sign-of-the-times: employers are choosy, and they are only getting choosier. Massive online job forums, behemoth networking sites like LinkedIn, and an increased ease at reaching recruiters from across the globe have opened up job opportunities for you—and EVERYone else. Job applications are at an all-time high, which generates even greater imperative to find ways to stand out from the crowd.
Demonstrating commitment to a volunteer organization, such as HavServe, can give you a leg up in cutthroat job markets and help you build the resume you need for a happy, healthy, and fulfilling career. Volunteering has been proven to build upon critical components of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, listening skills, showing an interest in the personal lives of others, and managing your own emotions), many which can translate into positive assets in professional environments.
Long-term volunteers may find themselves in positions that can impress employers across industries—becoming a board member, offering pro bono services, and providing consultancy are all ways that seasoned volunteers can continue to build on an impressive life experiences that have clout in professional settings.
So whether you’re a recent entrant into the job market, or a corporate veteran with a resume to build on, volunteering activities—from teaching, to distributing medical supplies, to joining a charity’s board—can help show the type of team member you are: dedicated, passionate, and motivated to take the right steps to improve yourself and those around you.
If you’re looking to give yourself an edge in the professional world while helping make a difference in the developing world, contact us for information on how you can lend a hand.
If you HAVE, you too can SERVE
Andrew Blake – Blogger, writer, editor.